Great Not Possible To Determine Shipping Data For Material

Not possible to determine shipping data for material What causes this issue.
Not possible to determine shipping data for material. For more information about Customizing of Output determination see IMG. The orderer or sold-to party and the responsible sales organization. For the stock transport order the system attempted to determine certain shipping data eg.
Eg Loading group defines that the product is always loaded by crane. For the stock transport order the systemattempted to determine certain shipping data eg. Then in IMG-- Material Management Purchasing Purchase Order -- Set Up Stock Transport Order --Define Shipping Data of Plant.
Not possible to determine shipping data for material 1870000000 Message no. Output records for a material. The orderer or sold-to party and the responsible sales organization.
Configure using transaction OMGN. 5 Not Possible to Determine Shipping Data for Material This means that the system was not able to retrieve sufficient data to create the Shipping tab on the STO. The system was not able to determine this shipping data.
Not possible to determine shipping data for material 4500012 I have maintained the material 4500012 in both the plants. Assigne the Plant created as Customer to the Plant Code. Diagnosis For the stock transport order the system attempted to determine certain shipping data eg.
The orderer or sold-to party and the responsible salesorganization. Below process is to determine the shipping point TCSP TC Shipping Point Step-1. The system was not able to determine this shipping dataPossible reasons.